Blackjack is a game where you play against dealers with other people around you sit at the same table playing against the dealer too. You don’t play against other people sitting around you. The blackjack object is to try and as close as possible with 21 or 21 without going. Blackjack rules will be very important for your success so you need to learn as much as possible. There are various variations for blackjack such as blackjack strips, Samsung Blackjack II, Samsung Blackjack, etc … The only blackjack game that you can play is a standard Blackjack game in every casino and online.
To become a successful Blackjack player, you need to develop a blackjack winner strategy and stick to the strategy forever. Some people use card calculations as blackjack strategies such as the MIT Counting Carding group. I am not a large card calculation fan, I think it must be for the Roulette system. In blackjack before they were implanted using several card decks, the card calculation would have succeeded. The only time card calculation will function is a single BlackJack Deck game. This is usually played in the comfort of your own home among friends. You can’t find one of these games in the casino. Most casinos only allow 4 decks or more blackjack games with automatic shaker making calculation cards almost impossible.
So, if you buy several types of card calculation strategies, I’m sorry but you definitely waste your time and money. The only proven blackjack strategy is that the Blackjack strategy graph along with the winning system. How to play Blackjack is a burning question, many Blackjack players who want to know. More especially they want to know how to play Blackjack and make a consistent winner. Again, the best blackjack tips I’ve ever given to you are remain clear of the card calculation strategy and taking a copy of the free blackjack strategy guaranteed to dominate the house. You will lower the house in a short time. Finally you will win so many casinos will think you cheat! It sounds a bit far but it happened to me back in 1992.
The casino keeps my eyes close at the Blackjack table and even takes me to a small room and asks me. They told me that they had never seen anyone win as much as I did. At one point I won 24 hand in a row, set a record at that time that was still held today by me at the same casino. It is an extraordinary feeling that constantly defeats the house. This house is designed to have a 5% chance better than you win every time. I don’t know about you, but it’s not fair. By using a proven strategy, you will eliminate the edge of the house and you will really have a chance of 95% to 5% to destroy the house consistently! I hope the best in your Blackjack career!